How To Guide – Building A Playhouse

Building a playhouse has become a lot easier as they now come in kit form. These kits include all the materials needed to construct it, as well as, instructions on how to put it together. 


This article offers some tips on how to start building your child’s playhouse.


Tip One – The first thing you need to do is to decide where you’re placing your playhouse and decide which way the door is going to face. Remember that you might want to position it in such a way that you can view it from inside your home. This way you can always keep an eye on your children. You might also want to position it somewhere with plenty of natural sunlight. 


Tip Two â€“ Once you have decided where you’re going to be building your playhouse you need to prepare the ground before you can start building. It is important that the ground which it will stand on is perfectly levelled. If possible, we recommend that you lay a concrete foundation then build the playhouse on it. If this is not an option, then use cement blocks to help ensure that all four corner joints are at the same height. 


Tip Three â€“ Before you start building your playhouse please ensure you have all necessary materials. The best way to do this is to cross check the items you have against the instructions you have been provided with to see if there’s anything missing.


Tip Four â€“ It is important that you treat the wood before you start building your playhouse. This will save you a lot of time and energy and will ensure that the treatment is distributed more effectively and efficiently. 


This article has been created to help ease the process of preparing and building a playhouse. JMD have a wide range of Playhouses to choose from.